Find Out Which Hunter X Hunter Character Are You


This series is a treasure trove for dedicated anime fans and Hunter X Hunter enthusiasts. It’s a world of character development. Each main character embodies layers of complexity, appealing to a vast array of human traits and personas.

Have you ever wondered which Hunter X Hunter character mirrors your own essence? In this blog, I’ll explore the minds of the main protagonists. They are Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Hisoka. I’ll also share a quiz to help you find your HxH alter ego.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the core traits of Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Hisoka.
  • Learn how each character’s journey in Hunter X Hunter might mirror aspects of your own personality.
  • Take a custom-designed quiz to see which Hunter X Hunter character you are here!
3-way split image showing Hisoka, Gon and Killua

The Profiles of Main Characters

Gon Freecss: The Adventurous Idealist

Gon’s story is central to Hunter X Hunter, embodying a naive yet tenacious spirit of adventure. His pursuit of goals with unwavering determination leads to moral dilemmas and deep personal growth. Learn more about Gon’s journey on his detailed character biography page.

His unwavering optimism is central to his charm and determination. This quality often leads him into uncharted territories. His simple, clear moral compass is both his greatest strength and his fatal flaw. His innocence allows him to see the best in people, which is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching as his adventures unfold.

Killua Zoldyck: The Loyal Protector

Killua’s internal struggles and strong moral compass highlight the delicate nature of peace and loyalty. His character arc is full of ethical questions. He strives to find his place in a chaotic world of expectations. For a deeper look at Killua, visit his in-depth biography page.

Darkness steeped his background. But, Killua’s journey is one of self-discovery and overcoming his upbringing. His change from a cold-blooded assassin to a warm, caring friend reflects his deep need for connection and normalcy. These needs persist despite the shadows over his family’s legacy.

Kurapika: The Driven Avenger

Kurapika’s relentless quest for revenge against the Phantom Troupe is a testament to the intensity of his character. His single-minded pursuit is both harrowing and heroic, reflecting on the consequences of unbridled rage. Explore Kurapika’s complex nature further on his biography page.

His intensity not only fuels his quest but also isolates him from others. He struggles with the balance between his thirst for revenge and his sense of justice. This makes him complex, torn between destructive impulses and a desperate desire to protect his clan’s legacy.

Leorio Paradinight: The Compassionate Realist

A pillar of righteousness, Leorio is the group’s conscience. He is the character through which the series critiques power dynamics, valuing fairness and justice. Unafraid to confront villains or systems, Leorio represents the pragmatic hero. Delve into Leorio’s life at Leorio’s detailed profile.

His ambition to become a doctor stems from a deeply personal tragedy, highlighting his compassionate nature. He often provides comic relief. But, his loyalty and earnestness in tough times show a deep character and a commitment to his beliefs.

Hisoka Morow: The Deceptive Trickster

In Hisoka, we find the essence of deceit. His character is a paradox, a villain you love to hate, or perhaps just love. His fascination with the thrill of the hunt keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. For more on Hisoka, check out his character page.

He thrives on chaos and unpredictability, which position him as both antagonist and anti-hero. This leads to unexpected alliances and actions. They greatly change the paths of many characters’ stories in the series.

How These Characters Reflect Human Traits

Let’s analyze the human traits they represent. I’ll peel back the layers to understand what makes them tick and why they resonate with us. Is it Kurapika’s steadfastness that appeals to you, or Hisoka’s enigmatic allure? Understanding these characters is more than just fan appreciation; it’s a window into our own psyches.

Mental Health Insights Through Fictional Characters

The journey of these characters not only entertains but also offers insights into mental health. Each character, with their distinct challenges and growth, mirrors the psychological battles individuals might face daily. Engaging with these stories lets viewers reflect on their experiences with friends and family. It highlights the therapy of connecting with fictional characters.

The Interactive Quiz Section

Ready to find your Hunter X Hunter soulmate? My 8-question quiz will reveal your inner Hunter. Or, perhaps, something darker. Each question is a peek behind the curtain of your personality, and the results may just surprise you.

Introduction to the Quiz

Are you ready to find out which Hunter X Hunter character you mirror? My quiz connects your personality traits with one of the five key characters. They are: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Hisoka. Answer the questions honestly and discover your Hunter X Hunter alter ego!


Which Hunter X Hunter character are you?

Find out which character in the Hunter X Hunter universe has the same personality as you!

1 / 8

1. Choose a phrase:

2 / 8

2. When facing the Phantom Troupe:

3 / 8

3. In a confrontation against your great rival, you:

4 / 8

4. A hunter is on the verge of death, what do you do?

5 / 8

5. How do you intend to reach your biggest goal?

6 / 8

6. On your way to an unknown place you:

7 / 8

7. Which power/skill do you prefer?

8 / 8

8. What is the characteristic that defines you the most?

Share your result in social media!

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Detailed Quiz Results

The quiz will pick your brain with questions that mirror the dilemmas the characters face. And here are a few results, just to pique your interest:

Gon Freeccs smiling

Gon’s Quiz Result

If the quiz aligns you with Gon, you’re most likely an optimistic and determined individual. You prioritize the present and trust your instincts to guide you. You find joy in the small things and see the best in people, often to your detriment in the cutthroat real world.

Bruised Killua pointing at his head like the genius meme

Killua’s Quiz Result

For those who resonate with Killua, you are fiercely loyal, and your loyalty knows no bounds. You can be incredibly adaptable and often lean into your intelligence and judgment to safeguard what matters most.

Bruised Kurapika with glowing eyes manipulating his chains

Kurapika’s Quiz Result

If your answers lead to Kurapika, you have an unyielding nature. Your strong sense of justice veers into obsession, and once you’ve set your sights on a goal, nothing can stand in your way. Beware, however, as vengeance might consume you.

Confident Leorio close-up

Leorio’s Quiz Result

Leorio fans are likely the champions of empathy and fairness. You value human connection and seek to build a better world in a practical, sustainable manner. You believe in the system, albeit with a healthy skepticism.

Hisoka making a monocle with his right hand

Hisoka’s Quiz Result

Choosing answers fitting for Hisoka might mean you’re one to enjoy the thrill of the unknown. People might label you as volatile. Your love for challenge and chaos can sometimes edge into the unnerving or dangerous.

Insights from Quiz Outcomes

Now, what can you glean from these results? Each character embodies parts of the human condition. Alignment with one reflects your inclinations, values, and potential pitfalls.

You might be a Gon seeking adventure or a Leorio championing human connection. There is value in finding your Hunter X Hunter character counterpart.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the most complex character in Hunter X Hunter?

The Hunter X Hunter universe is complex. But, most would argue that Kurapika struggles inside. He has deep traumas that make him the most intricate character. His thirst for retribution is both a stirring narrative and a warning of the consequences of unchecked emotions.

2. What does preferring Hisoka say about me?

A preference for Hisoka hints at a penchant for chaos and the unexpected. It may show that you enjoy balancing on the thin line between order and chaos. But, Hisoka’s extreme lawlessness isn’t for the faint of heart.

3. How accurate are personality quizzes based on anime characters?

The accuracy of anime character-based quizzes lies in their ability to tap into universal human experiences and values. These quizzes can’t predict your future or life choices. But, they often succeed in showing your inner motivations and psychology, and offer paths for self-reflection.

4. Which Hunter X Hunter character do fans consider the most relatable?

Relatability is subjective. But, again and again, Leorio’s relatable. He is a caring realist who seeks to make a real difference. This makes him a character many viewers connect with.

His struggles against vast power structures and his blunt, pragmatic approach are touchstones for many.


Identifying with a Hunter X Hunter character goes beyond simple fandom—it’s a journey into self-discovery. Each character is unique, showing us different aspects of what it means to be human. Through their stories, we see reflections of ourselves, gaining insights that enrich our own lives.

The adventures of Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Hisoka touch on common human experiences like struggle, friendship, and growth. Connecting with these characters allows us to explore our own identities and challenges. It makes the journey with them not just fun, but also very personal.

If you didn’t already, It’s time to take the quiz. It will untangle the threads of your personality. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of who you are in relation to the hunter within. If you enjoyed finding your Hunter X Hunter character, see how you would do on the Hunter Exam with my knowledge test.